How to be Part of the Knife Club
Does owning a Knife automatically mean you are ‘Part of the Club’.
As people we build our sense of worth by who we believe we are, our identity is forged by our accomplishments, past experiences, and future expectations. Over time we have developed a built-in appreciation for fine things that fit within our ‘natural or self-established’ identity. For example, car enthusiasts are drawn to classic cars, and can discuss at length, torque, engine capacity, top speed, famous drivers …. They may even drive fast themselves, however, not all of them are good drivers or own a car worthy of attention.
Likewise, hunting enthusiasts will have in-depth knowledge of animals, how to hunt and catch certain species, tracking skills, trapping, and living for extended periods in nature. But not all of them own any decent kit or are able to carve a Sunday roast.
Even for people who have not moved in an ‘enthusiasts inner-circle’ they can still recognise mastery and quality. When we notice the combination of quality and skill, it is only natural for us to experience an increase in attention as our focus is captured. A fast car parked is just another car parked in the parking lot, a fast car driven with skill as worthy of attention. In the same way an apprized knife is just another knife in a sheath, an apprized knife used with skill is awesome.
When we witness quality and skill at work, there is a ripple effect, where we are also inspired to achieve greatness. Like a master publicly working his craft, causes people to pause and witness the skills on display. And in that crowd inspiration will ignite and people will walk away resolving to master a skill of their own.
A task performed with practiced precision; the ease of mastery is evident in the actions. Great skill comes from practice, patience, and the right tools. When you own an Arno Bernard Hunting Knife, we recognise you as part of our Club, as an appreciator of quality, and knifes made with skills that have been handed down through generations. The mastery of the knife you choose will come naturally.
The Arno Bernard Knives are made on the outskirts of the town of Bethlehem, South Africa. The four Bernard brothers collectively have an amazing talent, and their skill is noteworthy in each knife they make. Though they work incredibly well together as a team, and all of them have some role in the actual hand finishing of the knives and sheaths, each brother has a more specific role to play in the crafting of these beautiful creations.
Arno Bernard Knives are made from premium materials at affordable prices. Our simple designs are both practical and aesthetical and therefore suitable for collecting or everyday use. An Arno Bernard Knife is an excellent companion, gift, and heirloom.